Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hello world. So the other day I read Ultimatum which was the end of Ultimate Spider Man. So i read the comic and thought, man that wasn't that good. But then i realized well how would you do it. How do you kill Ultimate Spider Man? I sat in my car in the Barnes & Noble parking lot for about 45 Min's. No exaggeration. The question plagued my mind. I thought about it for a long time. & then I remembered reading this comic in the Ultimate series called Ultimate Power where Ben Grimm (the Thing) gets in a fight and one of his rock hard scales fall off. Reed Richards then vows to find a way of fixing Ben. The comic unfolds big battle and blah blah blah.

But I got to thinking what if in my version of Ultimatum, what if Reed Richards was still trying to fix Ben. & what if he found some air compound when breathed in that it reverses the effects of super powers. Now if Doctor Doom had access to spy camera's in the Baxter building he could take Reed's formula and mass produce it.

Ok now we jump back to the Ultimate Spider-man issue previous to the Ultimatum issue. In the issue before Ultimatum Venom shows up, and is fighting Peter Parker. At the end of the comic this guy with a crazy suit kind of like Iron Man only more like a bug, he meets Eddie Brock and Eddie is going to absorb the bug guy, (cause bug guy is dressed normal, & Eddie eats people to survive.) But right when Eddie or Venom is about to eat the bug guy, The Bug Iron Man sucks him up stores him into the suit and says, "Tell Doom I have the specimen all hail Lavertia."

So back to present what if doom had this formula and he got the bug iron man to make it so that it was pumped into the air all over the America. Or New York. Then Doom would invade New York City and make them under the rule of Lavertia. Now in this issue all super humans would just be humans so they would still try to fight Doom but they would be humans fighting Doom and his Army. But I got to thinking what if Bug Iron Man or someone attacked Aunt May or Mary Jane and if Peter Parker went after them. He would still have webs but not super strength and other spider powers. But if Peter was able to get a few good hits in on the bug iron man and if the bug man accidentally released venom. Now if Venom left Eddie and latched on to Peter & it gave Peter super spider powers but if he couldn't keep it from eating his skin. So peter would use venom to help defeat Doctor Doom but he would also sacrifice himself. (Along with other heroes) And you could end it open with a well we really don't know what happened to Peter so if someone deiced that it was good to keep writing Ultimate Spider Man they could. Also you could write the Ultimatum comic and have separate Ultimatum comics which might be more interesting than just Magneto flooding Manhattan. It would just be great to see super hero's try to operate and fight without super powers. Especially in the Ultimate universe where so many super heroes are not perfect.

I've thought of writing my version of Ultimatum Spider-Man. If I did write it would anyone be interested in reading it?

Now Bendis did a pretty good job writing Ultimatum Spider man but it just was kind of bland. But its all good cause Bendis does a great job Writing New Avengers. Luke Cage is the new Captain America.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Life in Uah

Been here one month and originally this blog was going to be all about Comic Books and what I thought of the ones I have been reading lately. But I don't think anyone besides Spencer and maybe Chrissy would care. So instead I am just going to talk about some funny and cool things that have happened to me this month.
1. when i was babysitting mel's kids for a bit, i was just watching Adda and Jo Jo. (that's what they call each other) We were playing outside And Jo Jo asked what I had on my arm, I said, " I deiced to draw on my arm cause I wanted to." His response, "I want to draw on my arm too!"
2. I worked a closing busing shift at Magleby's last Wednesday you only get paid 2.30 and hour but you make 15 percent of each waiters tips when you bus tables. I worked 5 hours, and made 58 bucks in tips.
3. In the last month I have read close to 10 graphic novels. Angel 1, New Avengers 7, 8, 9, Enders Game Battle School, Ender's Shadow Battle School, Ultimate Iron Man 2, Thor 1 & 2, Ultimates 3. If anyone wants to talk comics email me. I might end up writing a blog comparing some of them soon.
4. A girl came into Magleby's I was hosting so I sat her and her friends, she was a tan skinny brown haired girl. (very cute.) She said, "Whats your name?" "My name is Grant whats yours?" I answered. "I'm Melissa. What time do you get off tonight Grant?" All of her friends begin to laugh like little schools girls, "No that's not what i meant." She said. "Just you have to work on a Saturday night and that sucks..." "No its cool," I replied "I don't get hit on by many hot girls so its a great thing when it happens."
"No really i wasn't." She said. "Its cool, alright well Shane is your server and he should be with you guys soon. Oh and if you really were trying to hit on me just leave your number and I'll try to get in there before the bussers." That got me a laugh but no phone number.
5. I went to ward prayer a couple of days ago with some friends I had already made in my ward and I just walked in short sleeves and the response was whoa! then people were fine. But I love my Tattoo's I've spent money to put pieces of art in places I get to see everyday and I love it. As Shakespeare said, "To thine own self be true."
-That is my take on Utah so far thanks for taking the time to read my blog hope you enjoyed it.