Monday, April 12, 2010

Short Story

Ok so I wrote this short story a while ago. And here it is, so if you want to read it and tear out my gallbladder with words, and we will see which procedure hurt more. :) 

Joel sat watching some pointless program that MTV was passing off as a show these days. He was sitting on his couch upright and fully dressed in a t-shirt jeans and a blazer jacket. He was waiting for a girl. Which is what most men do eighty percent of their lives. But Joel didn’t mind waiting, because he had done it; he had finally got his date with the girl.

            The girl’s name was Lilly; She was, in Joel’s eyes…perfect. Joel loved her smile, it seemed to light up her whole face, he also loved her brown eyes, her tan skin, and the curves of her body. Joel would have been able to get over Lilly if it wasn’t for that damn smile. She had a smile that lit up the rest of her face, made her eyes light up, and made everything around her seem brighter.

            Lilly had always been unattainable before this. You see, Lilly was a girl who was loyal to her man. And up until a couple of weeks ago Lilly had a boyfriend. The boyfriend had broken up with her on the excuse that he felt God didn’t want them to be together. Pussy Joel thought, more like you need an excuse and used God. But the boyfriend did provide Joel with an opportunity.

            “Hey Lilly,”

            “Hey Joel, how’s it going?”

            “Good. Hey listen um…would you like to go on a date this weekend?”

            “…Sure yeah that sounds kinda fun.” Joel was surprised his heart did bust out of his chest when she said yes. But she had said yes, Joel kept reminding himself of that. She could have said no, but she said yes. Joel had planned a romantic dinner at a restaurant he had saved a bunch of money from working he had the car to use and hopefully by the end of the week he would have himself a new High School Girlfriend; Lilly. Ok, ok, ok don’t get ahead of yourself; you have to get her to like you first, Joel Thought.

            It was time to go, time to pick up Lilly, when Joel got to her house he parked his car and went to the door. She answered it, but like all girls had to grab a couple of things and introduced Joel to Lilly’s dad, who was quite nice, a little too nice…that scared Joel a little.

            The date flew by, they talked about everything from ex’s to there dreams, there parents, and there teachers. There didn’t seem to be a dull moment. And every time Lilly smiled or laughed Joel’s heart went a little numb.

            Before Joel realized it was time to leave and get Lilly home. They talked as they walked out to the car, and Joel opened her door as he had done at the beginning of the date. They talked on the ride home and Joel pulled up to her house. He turned off the car and like a Gentlemen walked her to the door.

            “Well thanks for everything.” Lilly said.

            “Yeah it was…my pleasure.” Do it, kiss her. Be a man! Go big or go home! And at that thought Joel leaned down put his index finger under her chin and pressed his lips to hers. Joel’s heart went off as if fireworks were inside, his body was rushed with warmth and his fingers were tingling. Focus. He thought, make sure she enjoys this as much as you are. He placed a hand behind her neck and just moved it up to the back of her hair; he put his other hand on her waist. It worked, Lilly wrapped her arms around him and kiss became more passionate. With her body next to his Joel felt like anything was possible, like nothing could get him down. He knew this is what people feel when they describe love. This feeling he had with her body hugging his and her lips locked with his. It was an indescribable feeling.

            Lilly broke the kiss and came off of her tiptoes. She walked backwards to her door; it was silent except for the crickets. She opened her door and stepped inside without saying a word. Joel just had no idea what to say he was still dazed he felt like his eyes were out of focus. Lilly shut the door, and Joel stood there for a second before he remembered he was still on her doorstep. Somehow he managed to get himself to the car. Joel got in and shut the door.


The next morning Joel could not have been happier to hear an alarm clock. He got ready so fast he left his house ten minutes faster than he usually did. He had some time till the bell for school rang. As soon as he got on campus he was looking for her, he couldn’t help it. He saw her; and the boyfriend; his hand was locked within hers. He just stood there staring without realizing it. Lilly broke hands with the boyfriend and walked over to Joel.

“Hey, so I just wanted to say that I had a nice time last night but, I just…I am going to give him another chance.” Lilly said.

“Why?” it was all Joel could say he was speechless.

“Well…it just feels right.”

“Lilly, he broke up with you because he thought God wanted him to.”


“So! Didn’t that feel right to him! What! Does he now feel like God wants him to be with you?”

“Yeah I think he does.” Joel couldn’t believe it, how could someone so perfect be so dumb. 

“Lilly what about the kiss?”

“It was nice, but it was just a kiss, it wasn’t anything special. I mean it didn’t feel special. Did it?” Joel wanted to tell her how he felt, he wanted to say, “Lilly that kiss meant more to me than anything else in my life. That in comparison everything else I have ever done seems meaningless. That was the greatest thing I have ever done, and the greatest thing I have ever felt.”

“No, I guess your right…it was just a kiss.” He lied.

“Hey you hasslin my girl?” the boyfriend had walked over. Apparently he felt like they had been talking long enough.

“No we were just talking.” That is what came out of Joel’s mouth; he wanted to hit the boyfriend to scream at him that he had his chance that his time is over. He wanted to yell till the boyfriend’s ears bled. But for Lilly’s sake he didn’t.

“Listen Lilly is my girl. Mine you got it. You try to sweep on her and I have her back within the day you li—“

“She’s not yours.”

“Damn right she is, who’s her boyfriend, I am you prick!” That was it, Jason thought, he can insult me, he can talk like an idiot, but he doesn’t get to insult her. Not in front of me. Jason cocked back a fist and hit the boyfriend strait in the face.

“Hey! That! Is! My! Boyfriend!” Lilly shouted each word as she slapped Joel in the arm, Joel was so busy trying to fend of Lilly’s slaps that he didn’t see it coming. The boyfriend hit him hard in the stomach, and when Joel curled over the boyfriend hit him again in the face. Joel fell to concrete on his hands and knees. The boyfriend kicked Joel in the ribs. Joel collapsed and was now laying on the rough concrete.

“You like that you punk! Lilly is my girl.” The boyfriend kicked Joel once more in the ribs. “Come on Lil security is gonna be here soon.” The boyfriend wasn’t wrong people had started to stair. Joel just lay on the concrete clenching his stomach, he wanted to yell at Lilly he wanted to scream how much he hated her, and what a bitch she was. For everything, for watching him suffer, for defending her jerk of a boyfriend, for the kiss for ever introducing herself to him. But he couldn’t do it, he wanted to hate her, he felt like it might hurt less if he could hate her. But it was that damn smile. Joel could never get over that damn smile. He pictured her smile in his head, and even there laying in humliation on the concrete clutching his stomach, Joel smiled.